What We Expect from Our Team
Attitude | Willingness | Team Dynamics

Attitude & Willingness
I’ve been asked,“What do you look for the most in a practitioner?” They expect to hear about education, commanding presence, confidence, organization, tech skills, rote memorization, experience…the list goes on. This is what I care about the most:
• You have to like people and like talking to them
• You have to care deeply
Those are the two most important things to me. How you make the patient feel is going to be just as important as everything you say and do. It is easy to forget that when we spend 99% of our time training on the science and testing at Orchid Pediatrics. That’s because I believe everything else about practice can be taught and anyone who wants it and has the desire can learn. But kindness and compassion comes from the heart. True empathy is something I can’t teach, so I look for that in practitioners and those are the people I want on the Orchid Pediatrics team.
Part of a Team, or on Your Own?
If you are here, then you made the choice to be a part of a team. That’s my favorite choice, otherwise I wouldn’t work so hard to build a team. There is no doubt that in some ways it can be easier to be on your own – you might make more money (at least in the short term), you will have more control and some people really love that format. For me however, alone was boring and well, lonely. Being a part of a team is dynamic. You learn and challenge and grow together. Thank goodness for the team when you are struggling, needing help, needing a break, needing an answer, needing someone to lean on. It really is true that “if you want to go fast you go alone, if you want to go far, you go together.”
Team Dynamics, Team Players
Bad moods and grumpiness are contagious. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a bad day, everyone does, but be mindful of your impact on others and how you contribute to the team settings. It’s also important to reach out when you do need help. With our team, there’s always a listening ear and a helping hand available. You aren’t alone and everyone is rooting for your success.
Sink or Swim Together
Between the roles we play, the Fun days and the coaching—I took my precious solo business and essentially turned it into a co-op. We are all a part of Orchid Pediatrics, and we all sink or swim together. I strive to lift you up in some way each week and find great joy in watching you grow.
Environment Matters
I’ll say it again – environment matters. Here at OP we value time off. We value a 4 day work week. We value how different brains work. We want the process here to support you, not simply you supporting the process. We are sensory aware and value your sensory needs.
Professional Expectations: This is Your Business
With that said, we have certain expectations of each other that allows us to operate with less stress and more confidence in ourselves and the team as a whole:
- Show up when you say you are going to, especially to all patient appointments
- Show up ready to go, that may mean arriving early or putting outside effort into prep
- Give it your all in the visit with appropriate boundaries that respect the patient and yourself
- Take the downtime you need, rest is important, spend time daily/weekly with the phone/computer off
- Ask for help when you need, give help when you can
- Have pride in the Orchid Pediatrics mission, brand, your role and your team
- Treat others with kindness and respect; expect the same for yourself
- Let petty issues go, resolve problems in the moment whenever possible, reach out to me as needed
- Strive to represent Orchid Pediatrics well in both your personal and professional life; live with integrity
- Walk your healing journey, don’t despair if in a valley or swamp, it will pass
As you grow with the Orchid Pediatrics team, take that growth and spread it outward; healing can be found in your family, in your relationships with people, places, the past, money, spirituality, our parents, our kids…
What Really Matters
Your Journey
As much as we focus on the patient’s needs, taking care of Orchid Pediatrics, expanding your learning…this is really all about YOU.
How you show up. What you think about yourself. What you believe is possible. How you transform and change. Your pattern of growth.
Whether you stay with Orchid Pediatrics for a short or long period of time, please know that I truly wish you great happiness. Nothing else really matters in the long run outside of our growth and connection with others. You’ll find that as much as you help the patients heal, you are going to also. I’m excited for you.
Contact Orchid Pediatrics
(902) 700-4977


(902) 418-6101

Office Location
5991 Spring Garden Rd.
Suite 587
Halifax, NS B3H 1Y6