Our Philosophy

Our Unique Approach to Integrative Pediatrics

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Common Practices | Understanding Where We’re Coming From

You Are Not Alone

Feeling alone is a health risk. We want you to know you are not alone. You are part of a community that sees you, hears you and believes you. Your situation is unique, and others are also experiencing similar struggles. The world is full of pretty pictures and smiling families. These are an outward facade. A smile one second only means that—a smile for one second. I have had my child scream for hours without respite and then worry where they were after they eloped. I have avoided the store to prevent the stares and murmurs about my “parenting.” I have directed people around my child as they are having a meltdown in public. I have been hit, spit on and bit. Yes, it is hard. Know you are not alone.

You Matter

Caregiver well-being feels as elusive as the fountain of youth. Traditional care focuses on the child and forgets about the caregiver. I remember feeling like an inconvenience as a parent while my child was receiving care. So odd. You are literally your child’s regulation system. You scaffold their world. You show them sorrow and joy. You matter. You are pivotal to your child’s wellbeing. We acknowledge this and will ask how you are doing. Your well-being affects your child’s well-being. Depression in caregivers can lead to depression in children. Anxiety is contagious. As much as we want to ignore our health as caregivers, we can’t. Your wellbeing matters. You matter.

Your Child Matters

You know this as a caregiver. Sometimes you doubt others believe it, especially the medical profession. You have asked, searched, even pleaded. You want your child to be ok but what you really want is for them to thrive. To love life. To have friends, a future, some fun. Your child deserves this. We can’t promise any of this, but we can partner with you. We have seen children transform under our care from unable to live at home to thriving at school. We believe your child matters. 

How the Healing Happens

developmental pediatrician

It's a Partnership: Get the Patient & Caregivers Involved

Nothing happens without the family being on board. They have to do the work. Some will go fast, some will go slow. Some will make huge changes and some will just barely dip their toe in the water. You need to see it all as WINS, remember to focus on what the family wants, on their goals, their original complaints. 

We could guide someone through numerous methods to support their sleep issues—for those willing, there hasn’t been any situation where we don’t see change. But, the family may only have the bandwidth to try 2 things before they say “forget it.” You can let them know the risk of poor sleep without shaming their choice, and don’t be discouraged—they still heard you. You never know what decision they may make down the road or who else they share that information with…your efforts are never wasted. 

Learn to enjoy the journey with the family, sometimes you see the “finish line” but other times you are an important part of their journey, and you don’t see some of the healing that happens years down the line, but you were a part of that. 

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Some of the Orchid Pediatrics Healing Tools

We have many, many tools to use with our patients. Remember the Functional Medicine Wheel and the Total Load Sphere as you progress with your patients and families. 

The Functional Medicine wheel
developmental pediatrics

The 5 Clinical Leaves

Whole Child Wellness: A Balanced Approach

We utilize the Orchid Pediatrics 5 Clinical Leaves as much as possible as we work with patients. It gives us a place to start, and steps to move forward. We use this in partnership with the Functional Medicine Wheel and Total Load Sphere. The 5 Clinical Leaves align with our mission. If someone plateaus, go back and look if a step was missed along the way. Often we “repeat” a step and other times if mindful, you’ll see it’s not exactly the same—it may be a pattern, but they are in a new place in their life and another opportunity has occurred to heal this issue at a deeper level. Fun? Rarely, but repeat issues are where the deepest healing happens.

Click on the numbers to learn more about each leaf.


We start by listening. We hear your goals and hopes for your child.
We partner with you by moving forward together as a team. It's not your or me; it's us.
We integrate the modalities that will serve you best.
We take a strength-based approach. We notice what is working, and change what is not. We see the innate potential in your child.
We value the environment, and see it as a teacher for your child. Home. School. World. Your child deserves to thrive.
5 clinical leaves of functional medicine

Contact Orchid Pediatrics​

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(902) 700-4977

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(902) 418-6101

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Office Location

5991 Spring Garden Rd.
Suite 587
Halifax, NS B3H 1Y6